IO3 HelpMi Digitalized Training Package for employees with a migrant background
We are happy to present the results of the IO3 Intellectual Work Results as part of the HelpMi project activities. Digitalized Training Package for employees
We are happy to present the results of the IO3 Intellectual Work Results as part of the HelpMi project activities. Digitalized Training Package for employees
Z radością prezentujemy wyniki Rezultaty Pracy Intelektualnej IO3 w ramach działań projektu HelpMi. Pakiet Szkoleń Cyfrowych dla pracowników ze środowisk migracyjnych to zdigitalizowany pakiet szkoleniowy,
We encourage you to read the HelpMi project brochure! We present the most important information about the project, main goals, and assumptions, basic results, results,
Thank you for your participation in the MIVA Intercultural Festival at Praga City Beach in Warsaw! This unique event of the Foundation for Somalia, which
Zaprojektowano przez: Michał Szymanderski-Pastryk – marketing zaangażowany społecznie