Foundation for Somalia starts the fifth (and the last!) cycle of business trainings – IN ENGLISH – for migrants on how to start and run business in Poland “ABC of Entrepreneurship”. APPLY BY 9th October!
Foundation for Somalia starts the fifth (and the last!) cycle of business trainings – IN ENGLISH – for migrants on how to start and run business in Poland “ABC of Entrepreneurship”. APPLY BY 9th October!
Another cycle of cookery workshop ONLINE ahead of us! This time we will meet with latino cuisine! On Saturday morning, 6th of June at 11 a.m. we invite you to join us online, LIVE, for meeting with Marią Mercedes Alayon from Ola Latina Warszawa. Maria will prepare for us something special from Venezuela – Vegan Empanada and salsa pico de Gallo and will also talk a little bit about herself.
Gradually, from 25th May, we come back to the office! Temporary working hours will be: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. To meet with our counsellors, please make an appointment before visiting the office to avoid difficulties. You can do that by phone: 22 658 04 87, 532 491 643, 519 543 919 or 728 663 260. Individual meeting should be done only in urgent matters! We still can answer other questions by Messenger or e-mail: biuro@fds.org.pl. We encourage you to read our safety rules on our website:
In case of the lack of common ‘lex patriae’ of married couple (one of the spouse has a Polish citizenship and the second one is a foreigner) the general rule is that the appropriate law will be the one of the place where married couple live and if they do not live in the same country, Polish law will be relevant.
When the decission about a divorce is made, one must draw up an action, complete and attach evidences, make a stamp charge and then direct the action to the appropriate court.
On Sunday morning, 17th May, join us in the event online, LIVE with Marco Ghia – a cook from Akademia Kulinarna Whirpool. Marco will prepare something special from Italian cuisine and will also talk about his life as an immigrant.
Jesteś cudzoziemcem z prawem pobytu w Polsce? Chciałbyś/chciałabyś dowiedzieć się jak założyć i prowadzić firmę w Polsce? WEŹ UDZIAŁ W NASZYCH SZKOLENIACH ONLINE PO POLSKU!
Jesteś cudzoziemcem z prawem pobytu w Polsce? Chciałbyś/chciałabyś dowiedzieć się jak założyć i prowadzić firmę w Polsce? WEŹ UDZIAŁ W NASZYCH SZKOLENIACH ONLINE PO POLSKU!
On the ocassion of Women’s Day we would like to invite you for artistic workshop called “Beauty in Diversity”. It will take place on 7th March (the day before Women’s Day).
Otwieramy nową grupę początkująca dla osób znających jezyk słowiański. Chcemy otworzyć również nowe grupy dla osób nieznajacych języka słowiańskiego.
Zaprojektowano przez: Michał Szymanderski-Pastryk – marketing zaangażowany społecznie