How to deal with a change while facing a pandemic?

[vc_row][vc_column][mk_image src=”” crop=”false”][vc_column_text]Lost you job or system has changed? Daily routine, confinement, reduced contacts with friends, family, lack of kindness from shop assistant – it can be a tough challenge for us. Change of agenda, home office, lack of possibility to avitvely spend time outside – those are factors that may affect our mood, motivation, energy level. Sudden change connected with private life as well as working life introduces anxiety, consequently – stress or fear.

However this unpredicted crisis, understood as braving adversities, can be developmental. It is chance!


  1. Deal with a chaos
  • Stop and think – what can you do? Answer this questions:
  • What are advantages and disadvantages?
  • How to change disadvantages into advantages?
  • What are real barriers?
  • What are alternatives to solve this problem?
  • What other methods are used by others?
  • What are my resources to handle this? What am I good at?
  1. Experinecing an anxiety.

A change, especially unexpected, creates a disomfort. It is natural reaction of your body alarming the fact that something is changing in our environment, so we need to adjust our actions and habits to the new situation. It allows us to adapt to the conditions just as they are as well as to the reality. Frustration may be an effect of the change.

The thread of frustration may be dealt by answering this questions:

On what do I have impact and what I can’t change?

My area of influence is not an epidemic, a weather, a disease.

I do have influence on relations with others, building support, communication of needs and emotions, being ready for active listetning.

It is important to differentiate things that we don’t have influence on and accept them as they are. Acceptance does not mean to agree with the situation or to give up or to be satisfied. Acceptance means to understand the reality, taking an observer’s perspective, admission to what I do not like about it. Another important step is to plan counter-measures in the situation that are adjusted to the reality and the plan of coping with accompanying emotions.

How to cope with emotions?

If you are subject to worrying and fears connected to negative information in internet, tv – limit it. Chose a time slot for this activity so to fill up your curiosity and limit perpetual flow of negative emotions.

Try to find thing you are grateful everyday. This may not be necessarily connected to the stressful situation. Sometimes we do not pay attention to little things that bring us joy and calmness.

Be active – yoga, dancing, even online helps you to work and support positive mood.

Daily routine may create a feeling of safety. Try to set reasonable targets for yourself so to have a feeling of satisfaction at hte end of the day. Don’t be so harsh for yourself.

Be ready to make mistakes. New situations forces us to learn things. Making mistakes and conlusions on their basis is an inherent component of this process.

Being kind for others may pay off. Let the situation of crisis be a lesson that together we have a power and there is hope in kindness, and there is responsibility inside us.

What the change understood as an change gives to us?

We can learn new, precious skills. We can deal with anxiety. We can try new tasks. Home office, working in crisis, adaptation to new needs – those are few factors that you can improve. Remember that after the quarantine everyone of us will be able to to show in his or her resume a flexibility and possibility to adapt to the new situation.


  1. Kotów, Anatomia zmiany, 2019.
