
O projekcie

HelpMi – Helping Migrants to Integrate in Work Enviroinments was co-financed by the European Commission under the Erasmus + KA2 program. Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices – Strategic Partnerships for adult education.

The consortium consisted of 5 organizations from 5 European countries: Cyprus, Greece, Finland, Italy and Poland.

– coordinators: Aar Social Development Association (ASDA) Ry (Finland) 

– Enoros Consulting Ltd (Cyprus) 

– Consorzio CO&SO (Italy) 

– Foundation for Somalia (Poland)

– Kokkalis Foundation (Greece) 

The HelpMi project was aimed at developing the competences of HR specialists in the field of intercultural education and diversity management as well as workers from migrant backgrounds who needed tools and skills supporting their integration in the workplace and society. The overall goal of the project was to train HR professionals to help migrants integrate into their work environment, prepare and implement the training of HR professionals, face the challenges of diversity and integrate migrants into the work environment, and promote the integration of migrant workers. The key idea of the project was to create an inclusive environment in which every employee, regardless of nationality, would be able to learn, develop and contribute to the success of the organization.

The assumption was also to improve the quality of services offered by companies to migrant workers in the future, support the process of integration of migrants in the host society, increase the diversity management practices in organizations, and strengthen a positive attitude to EU values ​​and develop competences in dealing with intercultural conflicts. The training covered a number of areas, with particular emphasis on the challenges faced by organizations, helping HR professionals acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully integrate migrants into the work environment, as well as the role of HR specialists in supporting migrants in successfully integrating into their work environment, improving skills and taking initiatives. Participants were introduced to new concepts and trends in the field of interculturalism and equipped with valuable skills and experiences that will help them positively support their own organizations and migrants.


– Increase the quality of services offered by companies to migrant employees in the future; 

– Fostering the integration process of migrants in the host society;

– Increase diversity management practices within organizations;

– Enhance a positive attitude towards the EU values;

– Development of competences in dealing with inter-cultural conflicts. 


– Code of Conduct for HR professionals who are dealing with migrant employees;

– Capacity Building Course for HR Professionals;

– Digitalized Training Package for employees with a migrant background.

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