Celebrate with us Independence Day

dzień niepodległości, marsz niepodległości, wielokulturowość


We invite you for intercultural, integrating event on the occassion of Polish Independence Day!

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Friday, 6th November, 5 p.m., Foundation for Somalia (Bracka 18/63 str, Warsaw)

As in the previous year, this year we want to celebrate together Polish Independence Day. We believe that Poland is a place for everyone and 11th November is treated by us as a invitation of people from different cultures to celebrate freedom in our country together, freedom that enable us to work or study, to exchange knowledge. History of Poland may be a good starting point to integrate with foreigners and celebratate. We invite both Poles and migrants. Our mission is intercultural integration.

During the event we will sing togheter Polish national anthem and we will listen some patriotic songs as well. We will invite you to take part in our knowledge quiz with some rewards! Beside we will talk about what do we like in Poland and we will create a Polish flag. At the end you will be invited for some food and casual discussion.

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