O projekcie

COMPe4Mi – Tools for Professionals to Assess and Develop Migrants ‘Competences was co-financed by the European Commission under the Erasmus + KA2 program. Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices – Strategic partnership for adult education .

The Compe4Mi consortium consisted of 5 international organizations: Poland, Italy, Cyprus, Greece and Finland.

– coordinators: Foundation for Somalia (Poland) 

– Enoros Consulting Ltd (Cyprus) 

– Aar Social Development Association (ASDA) Ry (Finland) 

– Organization Earth (Greece) 

– FormAzione Co & So Network (Italy) 

The COMPe4Mi project aimed to promote the standardization of training for intercultural educators, trainers and professionals working with migrants and NGOs, as well as the professionalization of their work in order to build the integration of migrants into the labor market. The project responded directly to the needs and priorities highlighted in the recently published EU report “Education as a tool for the economic integration of migrants”, in which EU Member States identified the most important issues and the need to find appropriate solutions at the EU level. Moreover, the project built on the European agenda for the integration of non-EU citizens and focused on the economic, social, cultural and political participation of immigrants in the host society.

The overall objective of the project was to strengthen intercultural education among professionals working with migrants (adult educators, trainers, specialist staff, training providers, training centers for migrants, NGOs and enterprises), while enhancing the skills and competences of migrants for their real integration into the labor market. and in the sphere of social life. The project ensured the implementation of the Competences Shadowing Programme, which goes beyond observation and allowed for the practical involvement of migrants in a selected area of ​​work in accordance with specific competences, thus offering them the possibility of active participation in professional life. In addition, it aimed to create an e-learning platform and skills training for professionals working with migrants to improve their competences in intercultural education and diversity management.

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