CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Support for forced migrant (refugees) in overcoming the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Polska Gościnność Foundation and the Foundation for Somalia, as part of the aid project financed by UNHCR, are starting to accept applications from forced migrants who, due to the current epidemiological situation, found themselves in a difficult situation. The project consists of two parts:

  • housing support – financial support for housing expenses for foreigners with confirmed statuses: refugee, subsidiary protection (Ochrona uzupełniająca) and humanitarian stay, experiencing a difficult life situation in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic – this part is implemented by the Foundation for Somalia;
  • Support in getting out of the crisis – developing a social plan aimed at getting the family / persons out of the current crisis. The program will include learning Polish, help in finding a job, social support, possible psychological help and other elements adapted to the individual situation of the family – this part is implemented by the Polska Gościnność Foundation.

Below is a complete set of program documentation:

  1. Regulations of the support program:
    1. In Polish – click here
    2. In English – click here
    3. In Russian – click here
  2. Application form:
    1. In Polish – click here
    2. In English – click here
    3. In Russian – click here
  3. Consent to the processing of personal data by the Owner of the Apartment – one file containing three language versions – click here

The Foundation for Somalia provides information and support in completing application documents in its office at ul. Bracka 18/63 (Warsaw). Due to the epidemiological situation, it is recommended to contact us by phone in advance and make an appointment at a specific time – phone number +48 22 658 04 87.

The application should be submitted in person at the Foundation for Somalia office during office hours, i.e. 11:00 – 18:00 from August 31 until September 11, 2020.

We kindly ask you to share this post with interested persons, colleagues and other institutions that work with refugees.

Contact details:

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